Love Story

Do you ever watch movies or television shows, or read books and hear songs that leave you with that warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach? That make you giggle or your heart feel fluttery?

I find that more often then I even realise sometimes.

I'm just a girl at the end of the day and like the girly girl I am I like to watch romantic comedies or anything involving romance really; In particular I like the kind of movie, show, or book when you know that no matter how bad things get that even if it isn't a happy ever after in the traditional sense everything's going to be ok. Is that so bad?

I like to think I'm an optimist somedays when I see or read something that's beautiful to, thinking and believing that one day maybe it'll be my story that gets told. One day.

But it's ok - I have all the time in the world. And not to mention all the things I still have to do - writing and reading and archaeology and everything.

That being said here's the latest: I know who the villian really is now in the world of Daphne Savoy. : D


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