Teaser Tuesday: Angst and Egyptology

A bouquet of tulips, roses and lilacs in a rainbow of colours sat in the middle of my desk, at least 3 boxes of chocolates lined up beside them. Roy Fonda sat on my desk beside them, legs crossed and looking cheeky, wavy blonde hair framing a face like an angel’s.
“Happy birthday, Red.” He said as I walked into the Department of Egyptology, hat in hand and scarf undone. “You’re looking lovely and rosy this morning.”
I took one look at the offerings that he’d laid out on top of the classification charts that I’d been fussing over the day before and returned his beam.
“Never say you’re going soft on me, Roy, would hate to break that darling little heart of yours.”
“Just trying to make sure you picked the right friend, Eric is a jerk, remember?” With that he picked up a rose, put it between his teeth and said, “care to tango, mon amour?”
The man of once-questionable persona, at least where I was concerned, stalked out of the office of my boss and his confident, Dr Frank Kensington, the later with spectacles in hand, on his heels.
“The chocolates are from me as well, Daphne,” the later explained, coming over to hand me a small gift box wrapped in sparkly blue paper. “As is this one; I didn’t trust Roy not to open it and peek.”
I accepted the gift Frank handed me in a burst of excitement, forcing myself to unwrap it like a lady rather than tearing the paper like I wanted to. Behind Frank, Eric smacked Roy on the back of the head. “Quit trying to seduce my girlfriend,” I heard him joke.
The small box was from a jeweller in London, one I wasn’t familiar with, and as I opened it up I let out a gasp of delight. Inside was a silver pendant in the shape of the symbol of Ankh, also known as the ‘key of life’. A small red gemstone in its centre.
“Traditionally I would have gotten gold, but Gloria said something to me about skin tones I didn’t quite understand and suggested I invest in a silver replica instead.” Frank smiled and patted his breast pocket; the one I knew was bound to contain his old-fashioned pocket watch. “I wanted you to have a piece of Egypt that you could keep. Ones that wouldn’t give you nightmares, of course.”
“Oh, Frank, it’s wonderful!” I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly, hardly noticing as he patted my back awkwardly, before pulling away.
Frank cleared his throat. “Well, jolly good then. Do put it on, Daphne.”
Eric came over taking the pendant from me as I moved my hair to the side and let him fasten it. The pendant dropped about an inch above my cleavage. “Thank you, Frank. It’s just lovely.” My skin tingled slightly, but I couldn’t tell if it was from Eric’s touch or the coolness of the pendant.


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