I'm getting too old for these all-nighters.

I'll keep this brief because I've only got so long. Priorities and all.

Did everyone have a merry Christmas? I hope you all ate enough, drank enough, indulged in the spirit of giving and goodwill, and feel sufficiently satisfied. I know I do - even if I'm so tired I want to drop and it's still ridiculous o'clock. 

But the reason for my all-nighter and the decision to post when I'm not at my most intelligent is because now that the festive season is (half) over, it's adventure time again. 

I know, I seriously can't stay still. Although the inactivity and weight I out in the past month would suggest that I need to travel. Or rejoin the gym. The prior seems like much more fun. 

I'd probably be super excited and dancing a little more if I wasn't so insanely tired. And it's only because I somehow thought a 6am flight was a good idea and knew I'd never sleep if I had to get to the airport for 3. Idiot. Much caffeine later, I'm stumbling around the airport and trying to take energy drinks through security. Yeah. The moral of the story is it's too goddamn early and I'm getting too old for all nighters. 

See you in London! 

You know, if I don't try anything else stupid.

Sam xox


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