New Era: Update


This is just a short, sweet update to usher in a new era.

I've made a few changes in life and online and you may notice down the line that alot of my old posts are gone. They aren't gone - they're just back in my personal stash of writing I'd prefer not to continue to share with everyone.

I've changed - I'm 30 now (yikes) - and quite simply I'm not the person I was when I wrote alot of the posts that I've removed. I'm sure you'll understand and breathe a sigh of relief. We're done with emotional posts, angry posts and sulking.

That wasn't why I started this blog in the first place either. It was supposed to be about my writing, what I'm reading, and my travels.

I'm still reading (alot) and writing (a little) and when things return to a new normal I'll be travelling again. That's what I want to focus on - not the whingey days of my late teens and 20s. That Sam has peaced out.

That in mind it is my goal to try something new. I'm going to get creative, try my hand at a new medium and see how it goes. Stay tuned for new content, more reviews and a brand new era.

Sam xox


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